Friday, September 8, 2017

Day 8, Day 8! I have made it 8 days in a row! ( 8 days a week, I LOVEEE WRITING!)

Day 8 ! 
Today’s Nudge: What do you do to foster joy? What’s your version of ‘flinging glitter in the trenches?”

     All the small things. Glitter is often found in the smallest of the littlest things! Of course I know, even the littlest of things, really aren't that LITTLE! Does size really matter? One of the running jokes as a photographer we joke about is, my lens is bigger than yours! (Clears throat, that's what she said!) But seriously, also as a photographer, you tend to learn and teach your self how to really pay attention to the smallest detail. You have to really open your eyes, and an extra lens, to see there is more than meets the eye! As in any artist. You really tend to pay attention to every single detail. EVERY little blemish in our life!
     I love to take long walks down not so traveled paths and find that one flower!
     You know that one flower, that one that sticks out the most. That makes ya think, how did you get here little guy? It's like Mother Natures way of getting our attention. Making ourselves really think. How did this bright beautiful red flower, end up among these green leaves and or dead trees. Then, life all of the sudden appears? Or that one pink cloud in a morning sunrise of grey clouds. This picture was taken by me from my phone walking in the Goat Trees at Dauphin Island. I had gone on a bicycle ride by myself while camping this summer. It was quite a ride considering it was really humid out. By the time I got to the goat trees I just wanted to sit and be with  nature. Then I found this little flower. It was like my reward. I can't tell you how spell bound I was by this flower. IT WAS THE ONLY ONE! In a sea of green bushes! I really felt this was just for me! I knew I had to take a photo of it. Look at it's beauty would ya? That was my glitter for the day!
No photo shopping on these pictures. And I love the detail of the sun flare.This photo was also taken on the same day of the bicycle ride. I felt like Mother nature really wanted me to pay attention to the small details that day. You know what? I did! I am still spell bound! This particular day I had so much on my mind. When that happens, I spend much of my time in nature. Nature has it's way of reminding me to keep it simple stupid! For sometimes that little small thing, that you are worrying about now,  you will be laughing at in a year from now. I really needed to step out and smell the roses and my thoughts were answered in these trees. When I came back home later that weekend, I even used this flower to inspire my art! It's a fun technique by Tiare Smith Woods called splotch art! And boy painting this for One Bad Ass Art Journal with her, made me feel even better.
     I made my own glitter that day! Sometimes you need to make your own glitter in this world! Sometimes even glitter finds you when you least expect it! It's not that every thing that glitters is golden, sometimes it is very deep, dark, mysterious, and lackluster! Those lackluster days really make those filled with glitter worth while when you find it in the smallest of places!


Liv Stone!


  1. I'm still learning to find those little glitters out there with photography. Great post and lovely photos. That flower is really beautiful!

    1. Thank you. The history of that place is amazing. Old indian burial grounds. The Shell Mounds of Dauphin Island.

  2. How true that some days we have to make our own glitter! Great post!!

    1. Thanks for reading ♡ sometimes those are the hardest days! But worth it to find the glitter. Like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!


And a cuppa

Today’s Nudge: Post about something that’s sacred to you. And Day 23! Along with Thursday's Daily post topic! My morning iced coffee ...