Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sweet Dreams are made of these.....

Ten days down twenty more to go! 

Today’s Nudge: Write about a dream you once had that you let go of, and where that led you.


     If you ever look at me, and notice, I am here, but don't seem to be all that here, chances are, I am most likely dreaming up something. In the *now* I dream of lots and lots of things for me and my husband. And I dream of things for myself as well. See, we bought an rv to go see the world (as far as it get's us... ) so I am always currently dreaming of places I would like to go see and visit. I actually do have one list ( I am not that bad at making lists.... like in my previous blog.) Of those places, where I would love to go with my husband.

     I had always dreamed of going to other countries first.

     Until my husband suggested seeing our own back door first. Traveling here within our own country. There has been talk of him retiring and us going on the road and getting our cdl drivers license. There was talk for several years, about us getting an rv! And that dream finally came true. But we have just taken it to several local places. To break in the new. One of my friends said, how are you going to take a 69 Chevelle super sport and break it in, in your backyard ? I couldn't help but laugh. But all the things in this conversation made total since!
     While, I never, ever saw myself as a traveling gypsy....
I have gotten hung up on the fact I used to dream of a career. Now, I am happily married, and working is only if I want to, or have to. Trust me, if need be, I would be just as happy working back at Captain D's again. I never saw, artist or mixed media artist selling canvases as my "career" so far it seems to be working! Everyone else's path is NOT my path. Which makes it hard for others to understand where I come from. As stated in previous blogs, my chosen path was a rock journalist for Rolling Stone magazine. I love to write, I love photography, and mix them both, to how much I truly love music! It's a dream job, pipe dream, but hey, I can still dream about it! I could never see leaving my family now to go write at the magazine. And being gone all the time. That is really why I am challenging myself to stay on top of this blogging challenge. And taking a risk and stepping out there, to see what followers, I can find that maybe I could connect with, to help me peruse my dream, if I can do it even from the comforts of my hometown. 

     If you are thinking, I sound stuck. It is really the exact opposite. However, just stuck with my chosen degree in communications on the level I studied in! I am a content and sometimes desperate to get out housewife, mixed media artist, with 6 fur kids! They keep me pretty dang busy! And at 34, I have 6 step kids and 10 grandkids to keep me entertained as well. Not to mention the other adopted nieces and nephews. I am quite busy to really partake in anything right now other than doing exactly what I am doing :) 


Liv Stone

PS I once had a conversation with a band mother of mine. She was and still is everyone's band momma.

The conversation went like, well, what is your dream?

I said to grow up and be a rolling stone magazine journalist!

She said, well you can't do both, you can either grow up, or you can be a rolling stone journalist.

So.... I think right now I am just still "GROWING UP!"

Picture of me, organizing the family photos, but never being in them LOL That's okay, my back side is my best side :)

My husbands family on his mothers 90th birthday! Thats most of all of us!

one of my most recent favorite pictures! 


  1. What fun to have all these dreams and choices! Also a lovely family and all you are doing. I found your blog very interesting :)

  2. Fabulous post Liv. Sounds like you live a very freeing life. That's awesome that you sell some of your artwork! Your photography skills are amazing too.

  3. FREE and LOVING IT! I love it!! Ase!!!

  4. Great posts - "Everyone else's path is NOT my path" - that really resonated with me.


And a cuppa

Today’s Nudge: Post about something that’s sacred to you. And Day 23! Along with Thursday's Daily post topic! My morning iced coffee ...